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fun fact about me (my favorite band)

15 Sep

Do you have a favorite band or music that changed your life? I certainly do. And they’re Rilo Kiley.

I remember the first time I heard their song, Portions for Foxes. It was the first time I heard them, I was 15 and crammed in the back of my best friend, Megan’s, Honda Civic with the rest of us girls. I remember hearing it and falling in love with it. I had to check this band out. I burned the album, More Adventurous, and really enjoyed it. But when I discovered their older stuff… The Execution of All things, more importantly… it was all over. I never felt anything like what I feel when I listen to them. Still, to this day. After the hundreds and thousands of times I listen to them, they still make me feel a million different things at once. Their songs give me chills. Jenny Lewis and Blake Sennett (not to mention Pierre de Reeder and Jason Boesel–and former member Dave Rock) are such amazing artists.

My blog name, A Time for Emily, is a The Elected song… which is Blake Sennett’s band. So clearly, these people and their music has made impacts on me. Blake sings a few songs about Emily. I wish it was really about me- lol kidding,  I’m crazy!

I guess I wanted to make this post because it’s sharing something that’s me. It saddens me that I have never seen them live. Whenever they came to town, I’d just be like… “oh, they’ll be back.” Well, they broke up in 2011.

I did, however, see Jenny Lewis at the Rio in Santa Cruz with her new band with boyfriend, Jonathan Rice. Their called, Jenny & Johnny. In fact, it was Russell and I’s first date (Sept. 1), and our anniversary (we can’t remember the exact date we decided to be exclusive, so we just use our first date).

I can’t wait to share their music with my daughter. She’s going to be one indie music loving little girl, that’s for sure. Sorry about all this ranting.. I wanted to make a post about them because they warm my heart so. Maybe some new readers of mine can check them out, and fall in love with them just as I have over and over again.