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A little girl and her daddy.

28 Aug

Russell and I bought a new camera! I really didn’t have to bug him long for it… nor did I really bug him at all for it. I just mentioned to him that we really needed a camera to capture special occasions, birthday’s, holiday’s, family vacations, and growth and milestones of our baby girl! It really is an investment. So… we went to Best Buy and picked up the Nikon D3100. It’s awesome! I’m glad we got something some-what fancy and at the same time a camera that is user friendly for beginners, such as myself.

We have been taking all sorts of photos of Lux… this is by far my favorite I took Sunday morning:

Sometimes when Lux is really fussy, crying–and yes, screaming, too… and Russell has been with her she still won’t calm down. Most often than not, I’ll grab her from him and sure enough she’ll stop crying. I know he feels bad sometimes that he can’t console her. But I have to remind him I’m her mommy, and that we’re together 24/7. And sometimes you just need your mama. But then I look at this  photo that I took and I see that the evidence is there…. this little girl sure does love her daddy.